Source Shaper HDA

Description: Filter & shape points and initialize attributes to source into simulations. For best results, use with the output of a POP sim, but can be used on any points.


The Filter Tab can be used to filter particles and points based on attribute thresholds such as speed, size, and age. Additional filtering options such as filtering by frame range and frame interval (modulo to only keep source points every given number of frames) as well as a randomized deletion of a percentage of the total points are helpful to limit the overall number of source points.


The Shape Tab can be used to generate point trails, replicate points, and add noise to point positions to define the overall shape in preparation to sourcing.


The Density Tab initializes a normalized density attribute on the points using speed, pscale, or inverse age, defaulting to 1 across all points if none of the given attributes are present. Noise and ramp parameters allow for variation in the distribution of density and improved aesthetic control over the simulation.

Engine Deformation Rig

Engine Model by VladVHM


Soda Breakdown